The works, which can be seen until the end of March, are connected by “silence”, as visitors can watch films in the exhibition space with the common feature of having no sound accompanying the projected sequences.
"The primeval essence of color is a phantasmagorical resonance, light become music. At the
moment when thought, concept, formulation, touch upon color, its spell is broken, and we
hold in our hands a corpse.”
The 12th Transparent Sound New Music Festival Starts on January 11 – POLYCHROME
(January 11 – February 9, 2025)
The surrounding novelty breaches the hull of the ship: at such times, art connoisseurs attempt to draw conclusions from the forms of openings—often fortuitous ones. However, these openings do not actually represent the Novelty itself; rather, they merely indicate the holes through which its pressure struck. It has not yet assumed its final form, merely pointing to those points where it broke through—the demand for Manifestation itself. – Miklós Erdély
Sound_Tracks is a (soon-to-be-released!) interactive encyclopedia of music, created by Berlin-based ensemble, DieOrdnungDerDinge.
An interactive listening and sound-making experience by Germaine Liu and Christopher Willes of Toronto, Canada.
An elegant physics-based musical game and composition tool by Chinese creative developer, Wenzy.
A luminous 12-tone strategy game for two players created by Dániel Vaczi and Pál Dávid Lászlo.
Transparent Sound Festival's official memory game, with original sounds provided by our colleagues.
A wonderfully vintage web application with a collaborative 88-key keyboard and a simple chat interface.